Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Links to Reports on the USSF

Last week over 15,000 political activists and organizers gathered in Detroit to network, share skills and organizing techniques, and to develop strategies for addressing some of the most pressing issues of our day. The backdrop of the decrepit buildings and physically neglected city of Detroit reminded USSF participants of the urgency of our tasks. At the same time, Detroit's tenacious activist community inspired and provided leadership and insights into how to build powerful and diverse coalitions that can exert real force in our political system. Although the mainstream news media offered little sense that something important was happening in US politics over the past week, one could argue that the US Social Forum was among the most important political gatherings of recent years. Here are some links to Detroit local and alternative/movement media sources that will give readers a flavor of what took place as Detroit--the "solution city"-- hosted the second United States Social Forum.
Detroit's Metro Times Interviews with USSF Organizers --As someone who was part of the organizing effort behind the USSF, I think this interview captures much of the essence of the thinking and strategizing behind the Forum. It also demonstrates the leadership skills and commitment of some of the core organizers. 

USSF Photo Stream

Digital Journal Coverage of USSF (with links to other sources): DigitalJournal.com is a social news site powered by people just like you. Made up of professional journalists, citizen journalists, bloggers, passionate writers and regular Joes and Janes, DigitalJournal.com covers news and issues of the day.

Inter-Press News Service offers several in-depth articles on key themes and programs emerging from the USSF--including the "Detroit to Dakar" initiative to link the US and 2011 World Social Forums, the Excluded Worker Congress, migrant rights initiative, and youth environmental and anti-poverty campaigns. 

Local coverage of protest against Detroit's incinerator in Detroit News.
... and look here-- you'll see "USSF Marshal" Bob G. keeping the cops from running over the sunflowers. There's an image out there somewhere of a Teamster with the sunflower puppets. Teamsters got on board to protest the incinerator, and a key argument for them is that recycling creates far more jobs.... The new version of 'Teamsters and turtles..."?

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